Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The 2004 Elections in USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The 2004 Elections in USA - Essay Example Many issues were raised at this time including alleged obstacles in voter registration, voter suppression, and reliability of the voting machines in question along with racial discrimination. Minor issues like registration offices rejecting forms because they were not printed on a certain type of paper and other major issues like voter eligibility issues, voter suppression - a lot of voters were turned away in trepidation of voting for the opponent etc. In A Note on the Presidential Election in Ohio, Dennis Kucinich said. "Dirty tricks occurred across the state, including phony letters from Boards of Elections telling people that their registration through some Democratic activist groups were invalid and that Kerry voters were to report on Wednesday because of massive voter turnout. Phone calls to voters giving them erroneous polling information were also common" clearly depicting the nefarious activities brimming during the elections. There were other instances like endless lines at voting stations bringing about general discomfort for people trying to get their votes in as the whole time balance went wrong for them. Moreover, road blocks put in place by the police were an enormous hold back for people trying to access certain polling places.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Gender-Based Assumptions of War Victims

Gender-Based Assumptions of War Victims IS THE VIEW OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN MERELY AS VICTIMS OF WAR TOO SIMPLISTIC? International actors faced numerous Humanitarian crises throughout the 1990s, leading to a New War thesis, made particularly prominent by Mary Kaldor. Whilst wars have historically been concerned with violence against the most vulnerable, only recently have studies focused on massive civilian casualties, largely women and children (Kaldor 2013: 133). In mainstream thinking, war remains an exclusively male issue where men are ‘naturally’ those who perpetrate violence; meanwhile, women and children are seen only as victims. Empirical data, however, reported that men as potential fighters are most likely to be targeted in armed conflict, including sexual aggression (Carpenter 2006: 88). Wars create all sorts of victims and perpetrators, spanning gender and roles. Thus, is the role of women and children merely as victims too simplistic? Want This paper examines how common gender-based assumptions and unclear victim-related terms led observers to consider victimization as intrinsic and gender specific. As Cynthia Enloe (2004: 10) stated, ‘naturally’ is a dangerous notion that depicts women as life-giving versus men as life-taking (Coulter, Persson and Utas 2008: 7). However, men, women and childrens roles are much more diverse and complex. Analysis of the Syrian crisis illustrates this argument and provides evidence that men, women and children may be victims, perpetrators, or even both. ‘Women and Children First’. The necessity to have a ‘victim’. Thinking about armed conflict and human security, victims are often at the heart of leaders’ decision-making and civil society’s policies. The search for adequate victims’ and humanitarian programs raised the debate about which side or communities should be acknowledged as victims and revealed the many faces of victimhood (Huyse 2003: 54). Part of the dilemma comes from the political-biased connotations and the legal definition(s) of the term victim. To discuss the former argument, we choose to use the definition provided by the 1985 UN Declaration, which defined a victim as: a person who, individually or collectively, have suffered harm, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or substantial impairment of their fundamental rights, through acts or omissions that are in violation of criminal laws operative within Member States (UN 1985). Women and gender-based violence. Gender-based violence, especially wartime rape, is as old as war itself. For a long time in history, the ‘inferior’ position of women or certain ethnic or racial minorities was considered as natural, following Browmiller’s thesis that ‘War provides men with the perfect psychological backdrop to give vent to their contempt for women’ and became inherent to territorial advance (Brownmiller 1975, 32). During the liberation of Europe in 1945, the Russian Army raped over two million German women (Beevor 2007). However, women had to wait fifty years with the atrocities of Bosnian, Sierra Leone and Rwandan reports on rape camps to finally obtain the ear of the International community. The mediatization of armed groups using the enemy’s women to achieve ethnic cleansing, genocide and occupation goals upon the enemy raised awareness about the use of rape as a weapon (The Economist 2001, Farwell 2004). Pressures by feminist lobbies and academics led to an attempt by the UN to reinforce the protection of women and girls from gender-based violence, recognizing this ‘regrettable aspect of the war’ as a crime against humanity (Farwell 2004: 389, Erturk 2008: 1, DEDAW 1993). Nonetheless, sexual violence is not the only form of conflict-related victimization of women. The over-classification of women as ‘bush wives’, camp followers, and sex slaves undoubtedly raised the world’s awareness on gender-based violence but also diverted policy makers to address and establish efficient policies for all the range of victims (Coulter, Persson and Utas 2008: 8). For example, concerns about the health needs of women in conflict-zones – especially pregnant mothers and their children are annually expressed. In 2009 the Red Cross reported the highest rates of maternal deaths happen in war-torn countries (Puechguirbal 2009). Besides physical sequels, women suffer also from long-term and indirect psychological, social, and economical related-forms of violence. For example, women injured by sexual violence endure physical sufferings but also psychological pressures such as shame when they are back in their communities or economic deprivations and sanctions. Those issues are particularly contentious in cases where women are culturally dependent and subjected to their husbands. (Puechguirbal 2009, Erturk 2008, Tickner 1997: 628). Children as victims The same reasoning occurs with children. UNICEF recently alleged the number of children affected by civil wars has more than doubled over the past years, exceeding more than 5.5 million (UNICEF 2014: 3). However, the numbers do not reflect the form of violence and oppression nor do they specify a time distinction. Children are mainly described as ‘direct victims’ suffering from the direct effects of violence. Nevertheless, more attention should be given to the many other invisible victims, such as those children who lost one or more family members and suffer from the aftereffects of the violence they witnessed (Huyse 2003: 57, Worldvision 2014). Usually defenceless and vulnerable, children are killed, physically abused, kidnapped, recruited as soldiers, and/or displaced. In Syria, more than 1.2 million children have fled their homes, most of them are under 12 (UNICEF 2014: 18). In refugee camps, children are particularly exposed to malnutrition and unsanitary conditions, leading to all kinds of disease. Separated from their family, and/or without support from parents who could barely afford to feed and protect them, children suffer socio-economic deprivation and usually have no access to basic necessities. They are prevented from going to schools and are either enrolled as child labour and/or forced into sexual slavery, – or in the case of young women, married off to older men – to supplement their family’s meagre income (Shivakumaran 2014). In addition to physical abuses, children suffer from long-term psychological traumas from their experiences. In Syrian refugee camps, psychologists noticed unusual level of distress and visible signs social and physical dysfunction among displaced children (Atlas 2014, Winter 2014). Isolated and socially rejected, children who have been traumatized during the conflict develop sequels that can lead to new forms of violence –child soldiers, street gangs, juvenile delinquency or vendetta— (Boyden 2006: 4). In war-torn societies, the observations can generally be extended to second-generation victims; from children who suffered high levels of stress from the adults around them and children born in camps[1], to the grandchildren who carry memories from elder generations (Huyse 2004: 54, 57). Victims of Man’s war For a long time, there was a belief that men fight wars to protect vulnerable people, defend their family’s wealth, and the interests of the nation. This stereotypical role of the ‘active male protector’ naturally defined women and children as ‘passive-protected’ actors. Nevertheless, this common understanding about women and children’s victimization largely diverted the international debate from other under-acknowledged realities (Tickner 1997: 627, Enloe 2012: 7, Rygiel 2006: 150) First, armed groups are not always protecting the weak; second, the assumption that victimization is gender specific overlooks the presence of female fighters among armies (Goldstein 2001: 59). Finally, keeping in mind the fate of children as victims, recent researches indicate empirical evidence about children’s contribution to armed violence, including child soldiering. From victims to active participants Violence committed by children or women has an important symbolic power on people’s minds, because it challenges traditional social constructions that women and children are the most vulnerable (Hunt and Rygiel 2006: 2). Children as weapons Child soldiers have been in use for a long time: regular armies before the Geneva agreements made use of children. As a result of changing societal values and greater awareness of the issue, child soldiering increasingly gained political salience over the last decades of civil wars intensification. Images of tens of thousands small boys with an AK-47 –considered as a ‘cheap’ and ‘disposable goods’ by African War-lords (Rosen 2005)– created terrifying damages worldwide (Erwin 2002, Hoge 2014). However, child soldiers are generally portrayed as direct or indirect victims, forced and pressured by adults to commit brutal atrocities. Numerous testimonies by former child soldiers show the dilemma for those children who killed to defend themselves, either from their captor or an opposing armed faction (BBC 2005). The recent video released by the Islamic State (IS) shows the process of indoctrination and militarization: children carry guns as big as them, and are trained in radical ideology (Vinograd, Balkiz and Omar 2014). Many of those children are around 12-13 and do not actually have a choice, but some of them are already adults. This also leads to the debate around the capacity of youth to exercise a measure of personal autonomy in their decisions and actions (Maclure and Denov 2006: 120). Since 2002, ‘child soldiers’ definition relies the UN straight 18 principle and outlaws all major forms of children involvement in hostilities under that age (OPAC 2007). However, this strict definition tends to obscure the weight of experience, social-context and environment in which youth are evolving (Boyden 2006, Maclure and Denov 2006) Latest psychological analyses demonstrate the necessity to differentiate childhood and adolescence: much of the analysis so far has infantilized the young people as receptors of environmental stimuli, or of adult pressures, often disregarding particular cognitive and behavioural dynamics (Boyden 2006: 1). In some cases, children join for ideological reasons or for other advantages and opportunities war can bring – e.g. money, resources and power to name a few reasons. The prospect of getting a better life is worth war, leading young people to join the rebellion for the same reasons as adults (Hoeffler and Collier 2001, Boyden 2006: 4). Moreover, some scholars tend to explain instability in certain region as a consequence of demographic changes and increasing masses of youth. Post-conflict zones are primarily addressed taking into consideration the limited capacity of war-torn states to handle youthfulness (Maclure and Denov 2006, Boyden 2006: 10). For example, re-recruitment of child soldiers into war is particularly difficult to address (Hoge 2014). In response to evidence of child soldiering by the Kurdish rebel group, the International Criminal Court signed an agreement with the YGP establishing a ‘non-combatant’ category for children between 16 and 18. However and despite Demobilization, Demilitarization and rehabilitation (DDR) programs, dozens of children have tried to re-join local Kurdish military unites on their own (Geneval Call 2014). Women and Men on the moral continuum. From Antigone[2] to the Ozalp[3], women have actively participated in all aspects of war. Historical records show that women perform successfully in war –sometimes even more than their male colleagues. The quasi-exclusion of women as ‘combatants’, refers to the gender constructed discourse and dichotomy between women (peaceful) and men (warlike) which denied the active participation of women as individual perpetrators of violence (Hunt and Rygiel 2006). For example, in 2003, when were released the images of Lynndie England abusing Iraqi prisoner at Abu Ghraib surfaced, the first comments were not related to the atrocities perpetrated on the Iraqi prisoners nor the executors —no one knew, knows, or remembers the names of the other U.S. guards (Brittain 2006: 84). The shock was particularly focused around the picture of the ‘little white woman’ holding a leash tethered to the prisoner’s neck (Struckman 2010, Brittain 2006: 84) Consequently , it has become necessary to critically analyse women’s role as ‘perpetrators and perpetuators’, regarding the estimated number of women engaged today in ‘unwomanly’ behaviour worldwide, including Western armies (Goldstein 2001, Cohen and al. 2013). Fighting for freedom – The case of Kurdish Female fighters The recent growing progress of IS has given particular attention to the fighters for freedom, which fight to prevent the expansion of the Islamic caliphate. In reporting on Kobani attacks by IS, media have begun focusing specifically on the increasing proportion of female fighters who joined the Kurdish movements under the banner of the Women’s Protection Unit (YPJ). Never before has such international concern been given to female combatants and the role they can play in a major combat zone. In the region of Kobani, one in three of the city defenders are female (Pratt 2014, Mezzofiore 2014). From passive ‘protected’ to active ‘protector’, Kurdish female fighters represent a category of women that diverge from the one previously encoded in the society. Besides their abilities to shoot multiple types of weapons, they developed a full range of other skills based on physical and cognitive differences between men and women. For instance, they are mostly marksmen and snipers, as it requires ‘calm, patience and finesse,’ a typically female trait (Pratt 2014). Contrary to the images of vulnerable women, YPJ soldiers almost reveal signs of masculinity by accepting ‘death as a sacrifice that is part of the life choice they have made’ (Pratt 2014). And yet, motivations could be almost identified as feminist ones. IS treat women as objects, giving female fighters even more power against ISIS; some say that Islamic rebels are more terrified of being killed by women because if they do they cannot go to heaven (Mezzofiore 2014) The Kurdish example raises many concerns among scholars since it contrasts the common perception of women’s role. The YPJ’s struggle proves that women can be perfectly capable and willing of performing violent acts to ‘defend the Kurdish people against all evil’ (Pratt 2014). Some suggest that this could lead to the empowerment of women in the region, since female fighters are being taken much more seriously today than in the past (Mezzofiore 2014, Gatehouse 2014). Under fire – All victims? The institution of war has never been good for women and children (Farwell 2004). To a larger extend, war has never been good for anybody. Even if women and children are among the worst victims, they are not the only ones. The held idea that women and children are most likely to be displaced is not always giving justice to the data. Regarding the statistics about Registered Syrian Refugees, Males represent 48.7% and Female 51.3% of exiles. Refugees also include elderly persons, wounded warriors, minorities, people with disabilities, etc (UNRHC 2014). By qualifying women and children only as victims or combatants, scholars conceal the large range of positions they can occupy during a conflict. The mobilization of the society in the war effort has existed as long as war itself. During the First World War, the Munitionettes[4] and their children worked in factories to provide for men at war. They have been enrolled in offices, communications, intelligence, maintenance and many other under-acknowledged ways (Goldstein 2001: 78). Partly victimized, partly victimizing, women are often considered as those who sacrifice the most during war (Huyse 2003: 56) In Africa, women who must fight in armed groups have often been doubly victimized – forced to join the rebellion and raped by enemies and comrades. Consequently, it is impossible to draw a sharp line between the two categories, preventing the implementation of programs to address these women and girls’ actual lived experiences (Coulter and al. 2008 XXX). For example in post-reconstruction policies, they have failed to include women and young girls in DDR programs. Part of it is due to policy-makers’ refusal to recognize woman as combatants (Coulter and al 2008: P). Thus, depending on the policies implemented, women can suffer from deeper discrimination mainly related to the structural roots prevailing in society before the conflict (Cohen and al 2013:5) Porter’s study about rape in Uganda found that rapists are more often husbands/boyfriends or men from the same community rather than enemies (Porter 2013, Utas 2005). Or they can expect better positions with regard to equality between women and men. For example women were generally granted the right to vote after World War Two. Moreover, by emphasizing on the large proportion of women who have been abused, the debate on gender-based violence on men has been overlaid. Barring a few exceptions, the literature does not pay attention to the fact that men are also victims of poor treatment, thereby tortured more violently. Sexual violence is an issue commonly defined as affecting women and young females and yet, male rape, genital mutilation and other forms of emasculation have an important impact on men that should be documented (Cohen and al 2013: 7, Sivakumaran 2013). Aggressors often abuse male enemies or political prisoners intentionally dehumanize and humiliate them (Sivakumaran 2013, Carpenter 2006). Nevertheless, because of the psychological and social implications of male victimization, less attention is given to male adults and adolescents who have been oppressed and/or forced to commit crimes (rape, mass killings, kidnapping), leading to a bias in human security studies (Carpenter 2006). From ‘Women and Children’ to ‘Women’ and ‘Children’ Gender-based common assumptions have largely shaped the way people perceive men, women and children’s roles in war. The persistent idea of a masculine monopoly on force promotes a simplistic view of war as the continuation of politics, where men are the main actors (Enloe 2004). By categorizing men as life-taking, women as live-giving and children as the next generation, it appears that scholars have misjudged the role of women and children, especially during wars. After the mediatisation of the Bosnia Civil War and the Genocide in Rwanda, policy-makers and NGOs mainly focused on those visible atrocities that reduce the role of women and children to mere victimhood. The proportion of women and children suffering from conflicts is substantial. However, the amalgamation of ‘Women and Children’ under a unique category because of their relative ‘vulnerability’, diverted attention away from existing structural realities. Following this myth, scholarâ€℠¢s researches have exacerbated the idea of ‘tough men’ dying to protect ‘tender women and children’ and failed to question if women and children are merely victims of war. 1 [1] The huge number of child refugees is not only driven by the recent Syrian conflict but also by the growing number of Syrian, Afghan and Somali children that were born in refugee camps. (UNHCR 2014) [2] Antigone†¦ (Anouillh [3] With a lack of ammunition and in a hopeless situation, Ozalp killed herself not to fall into the hands of the rapists (Mezzofiore 2014) [4] Women working in munitions factories during WWI.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

â€Å"And therefore women, being weaker vessels, are ever thrust to the wall; therefore I will push Montague’s men from the wall and thrust his maids to the wall† are the words spoken by a Capulet servant at the beginning of the play (I.i.14-17). He illustrated right off the bat that the women characters had a completely different place in society than men did and were thought to be weaker compared to them. Although there are only three main female characters in William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, it’s easy to interpret what the roles of women were in Verona during the Renaissance time period. Based on the female characters in Romeo and Juliet, it seems they matured more quickly than women do today, portrayed a subservient role in society, and were seen as an object to possess. Considering people during the Renaissance didn’t live as long as they do now, the women in Verona during that time matured much more quickly than women do today. Marrying and having children were jobs that were often completed before the age of eighteen. Juliet’s marriage to Paris was supposed to happen when she was only thirteen years old, and Juliet’s mother tells her that she became a mother â€Å"much upon these years† (I.iii.70-72). Women during that time were passed down from their parents to their husbands without much chance of independent thought or action. Juliet had never even considered marriage until her mother brought it up, and seemed somewhat astounded when she did. Because there were arranged marriages at that time, there were likely many instances when the women didn’t love their chosen man. Juliet’s arranged marriage to Paris is an example of this, And because of it, an ample amount of trouble arose. Women had little freedom during that... ...ord to hire people to do work for them, but it wasn’t like that for other poor families of the Renaissance. Women in Verona during the time of the Renaissance had a completely different place in society than the men did. Juliet, Lady Capulet, and the Nurse were the only female characters in the play, but were able to illustrate the roles that all women had during that time period. All women during the Renaissance time, based on the characters of Romeo and Juliet matured more quickly then women do today, played a subservient role in society, and played the role of an object to possess. Their roles show that they were powerless compared to men, but still had an important role in society. Women have gained significant control and influence since Romeo and Juliet was written, but unfortunately there are still many cases around the world where women are secondary to men. Essay -- â€Å"And therefore women, being weaker vessels, are ever thrust to the wall; therefore I will push Montague’s men from the wall and thrust his maids to the wall† are the words spoken by a Capulet servant at the beginning of the play (I.i.14-17). He illustrated right off the bat that the women characters had a completely different place in society than men did and were thought to be weaker compared to them. Although there are only three main female characters in William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, it’s easy to interpret what the roles of women were in Verona during the Renaissance time period. Based on the female characters in Romeo and Juliet, it seems they matured more quickly than women do today, portrayed a subservient role in society, and were seen as an object to possess. Considering people during the Renaissance didn’t live as long as they do now, the women in Verona during that time matured much more quickly than women do today. Marrying and having children were jobs that were often completed before the age of eighteen. Juliet’s marriage to Paris was supposed to happen when she was only thirteen years old, and Juliet’s mother tells her that she became a mother â€Å"much upon these years† (I.iii.70-72). Women during that time were passed down from their parents to their husbands without much chance of independent thought or action. Juliet had never even considered marriage until her mother brought it up, and seemed somewhat astounded when she did. Because there were arranged marriages at that time, there were likely many instances when the women didn’t love their chosen man. Juliet’s arranged marriage to Paris is an example of this, And because of it, an ample amount of trouble arose. Women had little freedom during that... ...ord to hire people to do work for them, but it wasn’t like that for other poor families of the Renaissance. Women in Verona during the time of the Renaissance had a completely different place in society than the men did. Juliet, Lady Capulet, and the Nurse were the only female characters in the play, but were able to illustrate the roles that all women had during that time period. All women during the Renaissance time, based on the characters of Romeo and Juliet matured more quickly then women do today, played a subservient role in society, and played the role of an object to possess. Their roles show that they were powerless compared to men, but still had an important role in society. Women have gained significant control and influence since Romeo and Juliet was written, but unfortunately there are still many cases around the world where women are secondary to men.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Like Water for Chocolate Essay

Like Water For Chocolate by Laura Squalevella Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub (Trd); ISBN: 0553472550 Copyright 1994 CHAPTER ONE. JANUARY. Chrutnuw Ro/ INGREDIENTS 1 can of arOin 1/2 choriw aaye oreyano 1 can of chitej rrano 10 haro ro PREPARATION: Take care to chop the onion fine. To keep from crying when you chop it (which is so annoying!), I suggest you place a little bit on your head. The trouble with crying over an onion is that once the chopping gets you started and the tears begin to well up, the next thing you know you just can’t stop. I don’t know whether that’s ever happened to you, but I have to confess it’s happened to me, many times. Mama used to say it was because I was especially sensitive to onions, like my great-aunt, Tita. Tita was so sensitive to onions, any time they were being chopped, they say she would just cry and cry, when she was still in my greatgrandmother’s belly her sobs were so loud that even Nancha, the cook, who was halfdeaf, could hear them easily. Once her wailing got so violent that it brought on an early labor. And before my greatgrandmother could let out a word or even a whimper, Tita made her entrance into this world, prematurely, right there on the kitchen table amid the smells of simmering noodle soup, thyme, bay leaves, and cilantro, steamed milk, garlic, and, of course, onion. Tita had no need for the usual slap on the bottom, because she was already crying as she emerged, maybe that was because she knew then that it would be her lot in life to be denied marriage. The way Nancha told it, Tita was literally washed into this world on a great tide of tears that spilled over the e dge of the table and flooded across the kitchen floor. That afternoon, when the uproar had subsided and the water had been dried up by the sun, Nancha swept up the residue the tears had left on the red stone floor. There was enough salt to fill a ten-pound sack-it was used for cooking and lasted a long time. Thanks to her unusual birth, Tita felt a deep love for the kitchen, where she spent most of her life from the day she was born. When she was only two days old, Tita’s father, my great-grandfather, died of a heart attack and Mama Elena’s milk dried up from the shock. Since there was no such thing as powdered milk in those days, and they couldn’t find a wet nurse anywhere, they were in a panic to satisfy the infant’s hunger. Nancha, who knew everything about cooking-and much more that doesn’t enter the picture until later offered to take chargeof feeding Tita. She felt she had the best chance of `educating the innocent child’s stomach,† even though she had never mauled or had children. Though she didn’t know how to read or write, when it came to cooking she knew everything there was to know. Mama Elena accepted her offer gratefully, she had enough to do between her mourning and the enormous responsibility of running the ranch and it was the ranch that would provide her children the food and education they deserved-without having to worry about feeding a newborn baby on top of everything else. From that day on, Tita’s domain was the kitchen, where she grew vigorous and healthy on a diet of teas and thin corn gruels. This explains the sixth sense Tita developed about everything concerning food. Her eating habits, for example, were attuned to the kitchen routine: in the morning, when she could smell that the beans were ready, at midday, when she sensed the water was ready for plucking the chickens, and in the afternoon, when the dinner bread was baking, Tita knew it was time for her to be fed. Sometimes she would cry for no reason at all, like when Nancha chopped onions, but since they both knew the cause of those tears, they didn’t pay them much mind. They made them a source of entertainment, so that during her childhood Tita didn’t distinguish between tears of laughter and tears of sorrow. For her laughing was a form of crying. Likewise for Tita the joy of living was wrapped up in the delights of food. It wasn’t easy for a person whose knowledge of life was based onthe kitchen to comprehend the outside world. That world was an endless expanse that began at the door between the kitchen and the rest of the house, whereas everything on the kitchen side of that door, on through the door leading to the patio and the kitchen and herb gardens was completely hers-it was Tita’s realm. Her sisters were just the opposite: to them, Tita’s world seemed full of unknown dangers, and they were terrified of it. They felt that playing in the kitchen was foolish and dangerous. But once, Tita managed to convince them to join her in watching the dazzling display made by dancing water drops dribbled on a red hot griddle. While Tita was singing and waving her wet hands in time, showering drops of water down on the griddle so they would â€Å"dance,† Rosaura was cowering in the corner stunned by the display. Gertrudis, on the other hand, found this game enticing, and she threw herself into it with the enthusiasm she always showed where rhythm, movement, or music were involved. Then Rosaura had tried to join them-but since she barely moistened her hands and then shook them gingerly, her efforts didn’t have the desired effect. So Tita tried to move her hands closer to the griddle. Rosaura resisted, and they struggled for control until Tita became annoyed and let go, so that momentum carried Rosaura’s hands onto it. Tita got a terrible spanking for that, and she was forbidden to play with her sisters in her own world. Nancha became her playmate then. Together they made up all sorts of games and activities having to do with cooking. Like the day they saw a man in the village plaza twisting long thin balloons into animal shapes, and they decided to do it with sausages. They didn’t just make real animals, they also made up some of their own, creatures with the neck of a swan, the legs of a dog, the tail of a horse, and on and on. Then there was trouble, however, when the animals had to be taken apart to fry the sausage. Tita refused to do it. The only time she was willing to take them apart was when the sausage was intended for the Christmas rolls she loved so much. Then she not only allowed her animals to be dismantled, she watched them fry with glee. The sausage for the rolls must be fried over very low heat, so that it cooks thoroughly without getting too brown. When done, remove from the heat and add the sardines, which have been deboned ahead of time. Any black spots on the skin should also have been scraped off with a k nife. Combine the onions, chopped chiles, and the ground oregano with the sardines. Let the mixture stand before filling the rolls. Tita enjoyed this step enormously, while the filling was resting, it was very pleasant to savor its aroma, for smells have the power to evoke the past, bringing back sounds and even other smells that have no match in the present. Tita liked to take a deep breath and let the characteristic smoke and smell transport her through the recesses of her memory. It was useless to try to recall the first time she had smelled one of those rolls-she couldn’t, possibly because it had been before she was born. It might have been the unusual combination of sardines and sausages that had called to her and made her decide to trade the peace of ethereal existence in Mama Elena’s belly for life as her daughter, in order to enter the De la Garza family and share their delicious meals and wonderful sausage. On Mama Elena’s ranch, sausage making was a real ritual. The day before, they started peeling garlic, cleaning chiles, and grinding spices. All the women in the family had to participate: Mama Elena, her daughters, Gertrudis, Rosaura, and Tita, Nancha, the cook. And Chencha, the maid. They gathered around the diningroom table in the afternoon, and between the talking and the joking the time flew by until it started to get dark. Then Mama Elena would say: â€Å"That’s it for today.† For a good listener, it is said, a single word will suffice, so when they heard that, they all sprang into action. First they had to clear the table, then they had to assign tasks: one collected the chickens, another drew water for breakfast from the well, a third was in charge of wood for the stove. There would be no ironing, no embroidery, no sewing that day. When it was all finished, they went to their bedrooms to read, say their prayers, and go to sleep. One afternoon, before Mama Elena told them they could leave the table, Tita, who was then fifteen, announced in a trembling voice that Pedro Muzquiz would like to come and speak with her. After an endless silence during which Tita’s soul shrank, Mama Elena asked: â€Å"And why should this gentleman want to come talk to me?† Tita’s answer could barely be heard: â€Å"I don’t know.† Mama Elena threw her a look that seemed to Tita to contain all the years of repression that had flowed over the family, and said: â€Å"If he intends to ask for your hand, tell him not to bother. He’ll be wasting his time and mine too. You know perfectly well that being the youngest daughter means you have to take care of me until the day I die.† With that Mama Elena got slowly to her feet, put her glasses in her apron, and said in a tone of final command: . II â€Å"That’s it for today.† Tita knew that discussion was not one of the forms of communication permitted in Mama Elena’s household, but even so, for the first time in her life, she intended to protest her mother’s ruling. â€Å"But in my opinion â€Å"You don’t have an opinion, and that’s all I want to hear about it. For generations, not a single person in my family has ever questioned this tradition, and no daughter of mine is going to be the one to start.† Tita lowered her head, and the realization of her fate struck her as forcibly as her tears struck the table. From then on they knew, she and the table, that they could never have even the slightest voice in the unknown forces that fated Tita to bow before her mother’s absurd decision, and the table to continue to receive the bitter tears that she had first shed on the day of her birth. Still Tita did not submit. anxieties sprang to her mind. Doubts and the next week she didn’t speak a single word to her. What passed for communication between them resumed when Mama Elena, who was inspecting the clothes each of the women had been sewing, discovered that Tita’s creation, which was the most perfect, had not been basted before it was sewed. â€Å"Congratulations,† she said, â€Å"your stitches are perfect -but you didn’t haste it, did you?† â€Å"No,† answered Tita, astonished that the sentence of silence had been revoked. `Then go and rip it out. Baste it and sew it again and then come and show it to me. And remember that the lazy man and the stingy man end up walking their road twice.† â€Å"But that’s if a person makes a mistake, and you yourself said a moment ago that my sewing was . â€Å"Are you starting up with your rebelliousness again? It’s enough that you have the audacity to break the rules in your sewing.† â€Å"I’m sorry, Mami. I won’t ever do it again.† With that Tita succeeded in calming Mama Elena’s anger. For once she had been very careful, she had called her â€Å"Mami† in the correct tone of voice. Mama Elena felt that the word Mama had a disrespectful sound to it, and so, from the time they were little, she had ordered her daughters to use the word Mami when speaking to her. The only one who resisted, the only one who said the word without the proper deference was Tita, which had earned her plenty of slaps. But how perfectly she had said it this time! Mama Elena took comfort in the hope For one thing, she wanted to know who started this family tradition. It would be nice if she could let that genius know about one little flaw in this perfect plan for taking care of women in their old age. If Tita couldn’t marry and have children, who would take care of her when she got old? Was there a solution in a case like that? Or are daughters who stay home and take care of their mothers not expected to survive too long after the parent’s death? And what about women who marry and can’t have children, who will take care of them? And besides, she’d like to know what kind of studies had established that the youngest daughter and not the eldest is best suited to care for their mother. Had the opinion of the daughter affected by the plan ever been taken into account? If she couldn’t marry, was she at least allowed to experience love? Or not even that? Tita knew perfectly well that all these questions would have to be buried forever in the archive of questions that have no answers. In the De la Garza family, one obeyedimmediately. Ignoring Tita completely, a very angry Mama Elena left the kitchen, and for that she had finally managed to subdue her youngest daughter. Unfortunately her hope was short-lived, for the very next day Pedro Muzquiz appeared at the house, his esteemed father at his side, to ask for Tita’s hand in marriage. His arrival caused a huge uproar, as his visit was completely unexpected. Several days earlier Tita had sent Pedro a message via Nancha’s brother asking him to abandon his suit. The brother swore he had delivered the message to Pedro, and yet, there they were, in the house. Mama Elena received them in the living room, she was extremely polite and explained why it was impossible for Tita to marry. â€Å"But if you really want Pedro to get married, allow me to suggest my daughter Rosaura, who’s just two years older than Tita. She is one hundred percent available, and ready for marriage At that Chencha almost dropped right onto Mama Elena the tray containing coffee and cookies, which she had carried into the living room to offer don Pascual and his son. Excusing herself, she rushed back to the kitchen, where Tita, Rosaura, and Gertrudis were waiting for her to fill them in on every detail about what was going on in the living room. She burst headlong into the room, and they all immediately stopped what they were doing, so as not to miss a word she said. They were together in the kitchen making Christmas Rolls. As the name implies, these rolls are usually prepared around Christmas, but today they were being prepared in honor of Tita’s birthday. She would soon be sixteen years old, and she wanted to celebrate with one of her favorite dishes. â€Å"Isn’t that something? Your ma talks about being ready for marriage like she was dishing up a plate of enchiladas! And the worse thing is, they’re completely different! You can’t just switch tacos and enchiladas like that!† Chencha kept up this kind of running commentary as she told the others-in her own way, of course-about the scene she had just witnessed. Tita knew Chencha sometimes exaggerated and distorted things, so she held her aching heart in check. She would not accept what she had just heard. Feigning calm, she continued cutting the rolls for her sisters and Nancha to fill. It is best to use homemade rolls. Hard rolls can easily be obtained from a bakery, but they should be small, the larger ones are unsuited for this recipe. After filling the rolls, bake for ten minutes and serve hot. For best results, leave the rolls out overnight, wrapped in a cloth, so that the grease from the sausage soaks into the bread. When Tita was finishing wrapping the next day’s rolls, Mama Elena came into the kitchen and informed them that she had agreed to Pedro’s marriage-to Rosaura. Hearing Chencha’s story confirmed, Tita felt her body fill with a wintry chill: in one sharp, quick blast she was so cold and dry her cheeks burned and turned red, red as the apples beside her. That overpowering chill a lasted a long time, and she could find no respite, not even when Nancha told her what she had overheard as she escorted don Pascual Muzquiz and his son to the ranch’s gate. Nancha followed them, walking as quietly as she could in order to hear the conversation between father and son. Don Pascual and Pedro were walking slowly, speaking in low, controlled, angry voices. †Why did you do that, Pedro? It will look ridiculous, your agreeing to marry Rosaura. What happened to the eternal love you swore to Tita? Aren’t you going to keep that vow?† â€Å"Of course I’ll keep it. When you’re told there’s no way you can marry the woman you love and your only hope of being near her is to marry her sister, wouldn’t you do the same?† Nancha didn’t manage to hear the answer, Pulque, the ranch dog, wentrunning by, barking at a rabbit he mistook for a cat. â€Å"So you intend to marry without love?† â€Å"No, Papa, I am going to marry with a great love for Tita that willnever die.† Their voices grew less and less audible, drowned out by the crackling of dried leaves beneath their feet. How strange that Nancha, who was quite hard of hearing by that time, should have claimed to have heard this conversation. Still, Tita thanked Nancha for telling her-but that did not alter the icy feelings she began to have for Pedro. It is said that the deaf can’t hear but can understand. Perhaps Nancha only heard what everyone else was afraid to say. Tita could not get to sleep that night, she could not find the words for what she was feeling. How unfortunate that black holes in space had not yet been discovered, for then she might have understood the black hole in the center of her chest, infinite coldness flowing through it. Whenever she closed her eyes she saw scenes from last Christmas, the first time Pedro and his family had been invited to dinner1 the scenesgrew more and more vivid, and the cold within her grew sharper. Despite the time that had passed since that evening, she remembered it perfectly: the sounds, the smells, the way her new dress had grazed the freshly waxed floor, the look Pedro gave her . . . That look! She had been walking to the table carrying a tray of egg-yolk candies when she first felt his hot gaze burning her skin. She turned her head, and her eyes met Pedro’s. It was then she understood how dough feels when it is plunged into boiling oil. The heat that invaded her body was so real she was afraid she would start to bubble-her face, her stomach, her heart, her breasts-like batter, and unable to endure his gaze she lowered her eyes and hastily crossed the room, to where Gertrudis was pedaling the player piano, playing a waltz called the Eyes of Youth.† She set her tray on a little table in the middle of the room, picked up a glass of Noyo liquor that was in front of her, hardly aware of what she was doing, and sat down next to Paquita Lobo, the De Ia Carzas’ neighbor. But even that distance between herself and Pedro was not enough1 she felt her blood pulsing, searing her veins. A deep flush suffused her face and no matter how she tried she could not find a place for her eyes to rest. Paquita saw that something was bothering her, and with a look of great concern, she asked: â€Å"That liquor is pretty strong, isn’t it?† â€Å"Pardon me?† â€Å"You look a little woozy, Tita. Are you feeling all right?† â€Å"Yes, thank you.† â€Å"You’re old enough to have a little drink on a special occasion, but tell me, you little devil, did your mama say it was okay? I can see you’re excited-you’re shaking and I’m sorry but I must say you’d better not have any more. Yo u wouldn’t want to make a fool of yourself.† That was the last straw! To have Paquita Lobo think she was drunk. She couldn’t allow the tiniest suspicion to remain in Paquita’s mind or she might tell her mother. Tita’s fear of her mother was enough to make her forget Pedro for a moment, and she applied herself to convincing Paquita, any way she could, that she was thinking clearly, that her mind was alert. She chatted with her, she gossiped, she made small talk. She even told her the recipe for this Noyo liquor which was supposed to have had such an effect on her. The liquor is made by soaking four ounces of peaches and a half pound of apricots in water for twenty-four hours to loosen the skin1 next, they are peeled, crushed, and steeped in hot water for fifteen days. Then the liquor is distilled. After two and a half pounds of sugar have been completely dissolved in the water, four ounces of orange-flower water are added, and the mixture is stirred and strained. And so there would be no lingering doubts about her mental and physical well-being, she reminded Paquita, as if it were just an aside, that the water containers held 2.016 liters, no more and no less. So when Mama Elena came over to ask Paquita if she was being properly entertained, she replied enthusiastically. â€Å"Oh yes, perfectly! You have such wonderful daughters. Such fascinating conversation!† Mama Elena sent Tita to the kitchen to get something for the guests. Pedro â€Å"happened† to be walking by at that moment and he offered his help. Tita rushed off to the kitchen without a word. His presence made her extremely uncomfortable. He followed her in, and she quickly sent him off with one of the trays of delicious snacks that had been waiting on the kitchen table. She would never forget the moment their hands accidentally touched as they both slowly bent down to pick up the same tray. That was when Pedro confessed his love. â€Å"Sen on to Tita, I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to be alone with you to tell you that I am deeply in love with you. I know this declaration is presumptuous, and that it’s quite sudden, but it’s so hard to get near you that I decided to tell you tonight. All I ask is that you tell me whether I can hope to win your love.† â€Å"I don’t know what to say . give me time to think.† â€Å"No, no, I can’t! I need an answer now: you don’t have to think about love, you either feel it or you don’t. I am a man of few words, but my word is my pledge. I swear that my love for you will last forever. What about you? Do you feel the same way about me?† â€Å"Yes!† Yes, a thousand times. From that night on she would love him forever. And now she had to give him up. It wasn’t decent to desire your sister’s future husband. She had to try to put him out of her mind somehow, so she could get to sleep. She started to eat the Christmas Roll Nancha had left out on her bureau, along with a glass of milk, this remedy had proven effective many times. Nancha, with all her experience, knew that for Tita there was no pain that wouldn’t disappear if she ate a delicious Christmas Roll. But this time it didn’t work. She felt no relief from the hollow sensation in her stomach. Just the opposite, a wave of nausea flowed over her. She realized that the hollow sensation was not hunger but an icy feeling of grief. She had to get rid of that terrible sensation of cold. First she put on a wool robe and a heavy cloak. The cold still gripped her. Then she put on felt slippers and another two shawls. No good. Finally she went to her sewing box and pulled out the bedspread she had started the day Pedro first spoke of marriage. A bedspread like that, a crocheted one, takes about a year to complete. Exactly the length of time Pedro and Tita had planned to wait before getting married. She decided to use the yarn, not to let it go to waste, and so she worked on the bedspread and wept furiously, weeping and working until dawn, and threw it over herself. It didn’t help at all. Not that night, nor many others, for as long as she lived, could she free herself from that cold. TO BE CONTINUED Next month’s recipe, Chabeta weooina Cake. CHAPTER TWO. FEBRUARY. Chabefa Wany Cake INGREDIENTS. 175 aranw refinco granetlate0 uyar 300 yram cake flour, fteo’ three tim& 17eay arateo peel of one lime PREPARATION: Place five egg yolks, four whole eggs, and the sugar in a large bowl. Beat until the mixture thickens and then add two more whole eggs repeat, adding the remaining eggs tw o at a time until all the eggs have been added. To make the cake for Pedro and Rosaura’s wedding, Tita and Nancha had to multiply this recipe by ten, since they were preparing a cake not for eighteen people but for 180. Therefore, they needed 170 eggs,which meant they had to arrange to have that number of good eggs on thesame day. To get that number of eggs together, they preserved all the eggs laid by the best hens for several weeks. This preserving technique had been employed on the ranch since time immemorial to ensure a supply of this nourishing and indispensable food throughout the winter. The best time to preserve eggs is August or September. The eggs must be very fresh. Nancha preferred to use only eggs laid the same day. The eggs are placed in a cask containing crumbled sheep fodder, allowed to cool, and then covered completely. This will keep the eggs fresh for months. If you want them to keep for more than a year, place the eggs in an earthenware crock and cover them with a ten-percent lime solution. Cover tightly to keep the air out and store in the wine cellar. Tita and Nancha had chosen to use the first method because they didn’t need to keep the eggs fresh for that many months. They had placed the cask containing the preserved eggs between them under the kitchen table and were taking the eggs out of it as they put the cake together. When she had beaten barely a hundred eggs, the phenomenal energy required for the task began to have a bad effect on Tita’s mood. To reach the goal of 170 seemed unimaginable. Tita beat the mixture while Nancha broke the eggs and added them to it. A fit of trembling shook Tita’s body and she broke out in goose bumps when each new egg was broken. The egg whites reminded her of the testicles of the chickens they had castrated the month before. Roosters that are castrated and then fattened up are called capons. The family had decided to serve capons at Pedro and Rosaura’s wedding because they would impress everyone with the quality of the dinner, as much for the amount of work required in their preparation as for the extraordinary flavor of the birds themselves. As soon as the date of the wedding was set for the twelfth of January, they ordered two hundred roosters to be bought for castrating and fattening up. This task fell to Tita and Nancha. Nancha because of her experience and Tita as punishment for feigning a headache to avoid her sister Rosaura’s engagement. â€Å"I won’t stand for disobedience,† Mama Elena told her, â€Å"nor am going to allow you to ruin your sister’s wedding, with your acting like a victim. You’re in charge of all the preparations starting now, and don’t ever let me catch you with a single tear or even a long face, do you hear?†

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is a time system originally referring to mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, which later became adopted as a global time standard. It is arguably the same as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and when this is viewed as a time zone the name Greenwich Mean Time is especially used by bodies connected with the United Kingdom, such as the BBC World Service,[1] the Royal Navy, the Met Office and others particularly in Arab countries, such as the Middle East Broadcasting Center and OSN.It is the term in common use in the United Kingdom and countries of the Commonwealth, including Australia, South Africa, Nigeria, India and Malaysia, as well as many other countries in the Old World. Before the introduction of UTC on 1 January 1972 Greenwich Mean Time (also known as Zulu time) was the same as Universal Time (UT) which is a standard astronomical concept used in many technical fields. Astronomers no longer use the term â€Å"Greenwich Mean Ti me†.In the United Kingdom, GMT is the official time only during winter; during summer British Summer Time is used. GMT is the same as Western European Time. [2] Noon Greenwich Mean Time is rarely the exact moment when the sun crosses the Greenwich meridian (and reaches its highest point in the sky at Greenwich) because of Earth's uneven speed in its elliptic orbit and its axial tilt. This event may be up to 16 minutes away from noon GMT (a discrepancy calculated by the equation of time).The fictitious mean sun is the annual average of this nonuniform motion of the true Sun, necessitating the inclusion of mean in Greenwich Mean Time. Historically the term GMT has been used with two different conventions, sometimes numbering hours starting at midnight and sometimes starting at noon. The more specific terms UT and UTC do not share this ambiguity, always referring to midnight as zero hours. Astronomers preferred the latter GMT convention in order to simplify their observational da ta so that each entire night was logged under a single calendar date

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Exploratory report on corporate Strategic Approaches of McDonalds Corporation

Exploratory report on corporate Strategic Approaches of McDonalds Corporation Introduction Strategic management is about establishing visions and missions of a company. The missions and visions provide the direction to the company concerned and help it defines its position in the market amidst stiff competition from other industry players (Brubaker, 2005).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Exploratory report on corporate Strategic Approaches of McDonalds Corporation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Corporate strategy management is viewed as the best way through which a company can easily establish a competitive edge over competitors. The role of establishing the mission and the vision of the company is the sole responsibility of the top management, but for these missions and visions to be fully acceptable, all levels of managements and employees in general should be involved in a way in the process (Mourier and Smith, 2001). Once formulated the mission and the vision should be communicated clea rly to the employees for implementation. This report aims at presenting the findings of an investigation that was carried out to find out the process involved in the formulation of the corporate strategies at McDonalds corporation, the worlds leading Fast Food Franchise Corporation. The report also establishes the areas of their applications, levels of strategies that a company can employ and the implication of these strategies on the companys well-being. Overview of the company reviewed McDonalds Corporation prides itself as the leading global fast food chain with a special appeal among many residents of America for its burgers and french fries. The company started off in 1954 and has since grown many branches that are spread in all states of the United States of America as well as in other continents. Today, McDonalds serves millions of hungry customers across the globe through its franchised and fully owned branches.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? L et's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The path to McDonalds success has been shaped by its creativity and innovativeness that has made it remain focused to a particular market segment. Although there is nothing much to be differentiated in a fast food restaurant, McDonalds has over the years defied this and has always come up with innovative products that has seen the chain gain continued revenues. Among the most innovative products to have ever been produced by this chain were Big Mac and Egg Muffin whose market response was positively overwhelming. The chain is also famed for its innovative tag of Happy Meal which was essentially useful in pooling children into eating at McDonalds. From the short overview of the company; it is evident that McDonalds has a way of doing things in a sharp contrast of what others in the fast foods industry do. It is this uniqueness portrayed by McDonalds that the report seeks to examine. Scope The in vestigation was done on McDonalds as it is a company with a national and international outlook. The reasons for the selection of this business included intense competition that exists in the fast food industry. This competition has led to the need of extensive research and development of advanced corporate strategies to counter the competition and to establish a strong presence in the market. Therefore, McDonalds provides a good source of information on the study of corporate strategies, their applicability, their usefulness as well as their role in business success. Report Structure The report will be presented in the following manner: first we will discuss the scope of corporate strategy, then the level of corporate strategies, process of formulation of these strategies, areas of application of these strategies and the importance of these strategies to the business before giving a final summary in form of a conclusion. All these issues will be discussed in regard to McDonalds Inc. Scope of corporate strategies Corporate strategy planning involves the process of formulating corporate missions and visions. The missions define the main purpose of the corporate body. They give an overview of the companys intent and the reasons for its existence. Missions give a big picture of what the company aims to achieve in both the short-term and in the long run.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Exploratory report on corporate Strategic Approaches of McDonalds Corporation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The visions on the other hand are aimed at explaining what the company aims to achieve in the long run. This can be either to be a market leader or to be a low cost leader in the market in the foreseeable future (Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill, 2006). The visions should be formulated in a way that leads to the achievement of the mission of the corporate body on the implementation. The process of corporate s trategy formulation should also take into account the goals the corporate body aims to achieve. The goals define what the company aims to achieve in the short term. Other issue to take into consideration is the objectives the company aims to achieve. Strategies should be formulated to help the company achieve its missions, visions, objectives and goals. Factors shaping McDonalds’ competition McDonalds operates within a highly competitive market. Due to this high competition, every player in this industry must formulate survival tactics that shall ensure that the firm remains sustainable within the competing market. With little restriction on entry of new players and little sunk cost being required for an investor to invest in this industry, strategies are of critical importance for a firms business survival. To clearly understand the competitive forces that face this company, two major tools of analysis shall be utilized. The two tools shall prove of vital importance especial ly in indicating the position of the company in regard to internal and external environments. It is from this internal and external environment positions that the strategies for success are to be formulated. These tools are; Porter’s five forces SWOT analysis Porters five analysis Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Bargaining Power of Buyers In the fast food industry, the bargaining power of buyers is relatively small. This is because food is a necessity and thus one has to buy it. However, due to increased competition, the bargaining power of buyers has constantly been increasing. One can opt to purchase from another fast food restaurant which makes the issue of bargaining power of buyers be of critical importance to McDonalds. Potential Entrants Threats from new entrants are rife in this market. There are little restrictions that may hinder an investor from entering into fast food industry. The industry lacks government restrictions which makes it easy for any entrant to start operating in the market. Besides this, the initial startup cost especially sank cost is little and thus there are many new entrants into the fast food industry. To avoid this threat, McDonald must remain abreast in strategic management to ensure that it remains relevant to its customers. Substitutes Substitute products also cause a major threat to McDonalds. Customers have a wide variety of fast food restaurants to choose from and thus strategic management at McDonalds remain of critical importance to ensure that innovative strategies meant to retain customers are put in place. Suppliers There is little bargaining power of suppliers in the fast food industry. These therefore do not pose any threat to the sustainability of the firm. From the porters five analysis, it is important to note that strategic management remains of critical importance in the management of MacDonald’s. It is through formulation of various strategies that makes the chain remain relevant to the market. SWOT Analysis To further the understanding of the strategies that are used by McDonalds to ensure that it remains relevant in the market, an audit of both external and internal forces that are relevant in business process was conducted. The results of this audit have been tabulated as follows. External Audit Opportun ities Threats Globalization and expansion to various countries Growing awareness of the side effects/calorie content of fast foods Acquisitions of other fast food restaurants Growing competition from local and international competitors General growth of fast food industry Growth of anti American sentiments in some markets Cost leadership advantages Global recession and fluctuating currency Internal Audit Strengths Weaknesses The company has an established brand name Possess an unhealthy food image Enjoys a large market share Has very high staff turnover Enjoys unrivaled global presence in the industry Legal charges on health issues Strong financial performance Uses materials that causes contributes to global warming Centric and seamless customer service Does not serve breakfast in its menu. Analysis of the market share Despite its operation in a highly competitive industry, the company enjoys an impressive market share compared to its competitors. At 19 pe rcent, McDonalds remains the undistinguished giant of the fast food industry. For the firm to gain this market leadership position there must be well defined strategies that have overseen its growth to this position. The chart below indicates the market share of McDonalds compared to its competitors. From the chart, it is evident that its closest competitors such as Burger King Corporation, Wendy International Inc., Jack in the Box among others are way too far down to be put to the scale of the giant McDonalds Corporation. Chart available at https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi2RTtIBUxqcPjEXXItBhZOcsmVb-t-4ttSEyDcohCPIsWmJemTCFDTBRiI6kRhrm8rbgytDbtV43GZ5pRQPFT1yEy5hzrXD7Los8OWzFi7-D-IQ3DZHOMmW9F2cjQjqHX6U746rw6sHpCi/s1600/Fast_Food_Industry_Markets.jpg Strategies followed by McDonalds to establish a competitive edge The investigation revealed that McDonalds establishes a competitive edge through following one or all of the following strategies: Low cost leadership McDonalds is known for its low cost on various meals. To achieve this, the company must ensure that its operating costs a re equally low to guarantee profitability. Fixed cost per unit in the company is reduced by the reduction in overall cost, which could be used to give them an advantage over other industry players. This advantage is attained in some cases through offering low prices than other industry players at the same quality level or by charging premium prices that help them generate high profits. These profits in turn are used by the business to produce high quality products that meet the needs of customers better than the competitors (Porter, 1980; Wankel, and Malleck, 2008). In this way the company is able to position itself as the market leader and customers choice in provision of fast food services. Price leadership strategy McDonalds also uses price leadership as a strategy to woe its customers. Most of the products at McDonalds have premium prices which makes it appealing to the major target markets. The strategy also is boosted by low cost policy that the company has utilized over the y ears. Differentiation strategy This strategy was found to be highly employed by the company. The aim of this strategy was to give a notion to the buyer that the product offered by the company was different from that offered by the competitor and offered better features than any other similar product in the market. The strategy is mainly employed through packaging and the design of the product (Treacy, 2005; Swift and Piff, 2005). Trendy names are also used by the company to brand its food that makes it appealing to the populace. Through successful differentiation, the company in question is able to charge premium prices for its premium products, develop further market for its product and to maintain its current market for its products (Purcell, 2008; Stanton, 2007) Market Niche Strategy Customers are generally known to have diversified needs which are very dynamic in nature. To meet all these needs, a great challenge to any company for this requires application of large amount of re sources both financial and human. Therefore, to satisfy all these needs a company should devise a way to understand the needs, know their likely direction of change and the best way to meet them. At McDonalds, this strategy aims at understanding a particular need of the customer and trying to meet this need better than the competitors. Therefore, instead of dealing with a varied area of needs, the company in question concentrates on the few areas of need. For instance, McDonalds does not serve breakfast, instead it focuses on the lunch market as well as dinner clients, with lunchtime clients topping its list. Due to this concentration of market niche, the chain is able to meet the needs of customers better and therefore able to establish a competitive advantage over competitors (Hatton, 2007; Swift and Piff, 2010) Strategy formulation For McDonalds to remain competitive in the market there is a need to have a strategic plan towards its future success. Since its inception in 1954, Mc Donalds has remained a household name among many Americans as well as among the populations where its international franchise outlets operate. This therefore indicates that there is something that McDonalds do that is not done by some of its competitors. The company strategies are formulated by following the following steps Identification of the current position of the business The process of strategy formulation starts with identifying the current position of the business. This helps the business to identify the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats it faces as a result of both internal and external environment of its operation (Conger, 2008). The result of this analysis is usually compared with other industrial players to help identify the position of the business in relation to the similar businesses in the industry. This analysis also helps the business to identify the gap that need to be addressed. Define the missions of the company Once the company has identified its position in relation to other industrial players, the next step is to state exactly what it intends to achieve in the long run (Waters, 1994). The mission was found to be formulated with the aim of positioning the company in the marketplace. In the process of defining this mission, one question remains critical to McDonalds, does the chain live to its mission day in day out? This helps the firm to remain focused on the mission of the firm that has driven the firm to its current success status. Defining the vision of the company The vision is derived from the mission of the company. This vision also helps define the direction of the company by stating what the company aims to achieve in the long run. The vision also helped define the activities of all employees to be in line with the missions and visions of the company. Establishment of goals to be achieved. Once missions and visions are established, the next step involves the establishment of goals to be achieved. These goals broke down the missions and visions into components that can easily be achieved on a daily basis. Achievement of these goals contributes to the achievement of the overall missions and visions of the company. Formulation of strategies Finally strategies are formulated in different areas and levels to help in the achievement of company’s missions and visions. Conclusion From this study, it was established that McDonalds have succeeded due to its unique strategic formulation of success policies that have constantly ensured that the company remained focused to its core objectives. The company also has survived in the fast food industry, which is highly fragile due to its unique differentiation strategy. It is through these unique approaches that McDonalds has remained a focused firm to succeed. Reference List Brubaker, D., (2005). The charismatic leader: the presentation of self and the creation of educational settings. New York: Corwin Press. Conger, J., (2008). Charismatic leadershi p in organizations. New York: Sage. Dunis, D., (2003). Applied quantitative methods for trading and investment. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Hatton, A., (2007). The definitive business pitch: how to make the best pitches, proposals and presentations. New York: Prentice hall. Mourier, P. Smith, M. (2001). Conquering Organizational Change: How to Succeed Where Most Companies Fail. San Antonio: Project Management Institute. Porter, M.. (1980). Competitive Strategy. New York: Free Press. Purcell, J., (2008. People Management and Performance. New York: Taylor Francis. Saunders, M., Lewis, P., and Thornhill, A., 2006. Research Methods for Business Students. 4th ed. London: Prentice Hall. Stanton, E. (2007). Marketing Management. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2007. Swift, L. and Piff, S., (2005). Quantitative Methods for Business, Management Finance. 2nd ed. London: Palgrave MacMillan. Porter, M., (1984). Competitive Advantage. New York: The Free Press. Swift, L. and Piff, S., (2010). Quanti tative Methods: For Business, Management and Finance. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Treacy, W., (2005).The Discipline of Market Leaders. New Jersey: Addison Wesley. Wankel, C. and Malleck, S., (2008). Global sustainability initiatives: new models and new approaches. New York: IAP. Print. Waters, D., (1994). Quantitative methods for business. London: Addison-Wesley.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Murders of Czar Nicholas II of Russia and His Family

Murders of Czar Nicholas II of Russia and His Family The tumultuous reign of Nicholas II, the last czar of Russia, was tarnished by his ineptitude in both foreign and domestic affairs that helped to bring about the Russian Revolution. The Romanov Dynasty, which had ruled Russia for three centuries, came to an abrupt and bloody end in July 1918, when Nicholas and his family, who had been held under house arrest for more than a year, were brutally executed by Bolshevik soldiers. Who Was Nicholas II? Young Nicholas, known as the tsesarevich, or heir apparent to the throne, was born on May 18, 1868, the first child of Czar Alexander III and Empress Marie Feodorovna. He and his siblings grew up in Tsarskoye Selo, one of the residences of the imperial family located outside of St. Petersburg. Nicholas was schooled not only in academics, but also in gentlemanly pursuits such as shooting, horsemanship, and even dancing. Unfortunately, his father, Czar Alexander III, did not devote a great deal of time to preparing his son to one day become the leader of the massive Russian Empire. As a young man, Nicholas enjoyed several years of relative ease, during which he embarked upon world tours and attended countless parties and balls. After seeking a suitable wife, he became engaged to Princess Alix of Germany in the summer of 1894. But the carefree lifestyle that Nicholas had enjoyed came to an abrupt end on November 1, 1894, when Czar Alexander III died of nephritis (a kidney disease). Virtually overnight, Nicholas II- inexperienced and ill-equipped for the task- became the new czar of Russia. The period of mourning was briefly suspended on November 26, 1894, when Nicholas and Alix were married in a private ceremony. The following year, daughter Olga was born, followed by three more daughters- Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia- over a period of five years. (The long-awaited male heir, Alexei, would be born in 1904.) Delayed during the long period of formal mourning, Czar Nicholas coronation was held in May 1896. But the joyous celebration was marred by a horrible incident when 1,400 revelers were killed during a stampede at Khodynka Field in Moscow. The new czar, however, refused to cancel any of the ensuing celebrations, giving the impression to his people that he was indifferent to the loss of so many lives. Growing Resentment of the Czar In a series of further missteps, Nicholas proved himself unskilled in both foreign and domestic affairs. In a 1903 dispute with the Japanese over territory in Manchuria, Nicholas resisted any opportunity for diplomacy. Frustrated by Nicholas refusal to negotiate, the Japanese took action in February 1904, bombing Russian ships in the harbor at Port Arthur in southern Manchuria. The Russo-Japanese War continued for another year and a half and ended with the czars forced surrender in September 1905. Given a large number of Russian casualties and the humiliating defeat, the war failed to draw the support of the Russian people. Russians were dissatisfied about more than just the Russo-Japanese War. Inadequate housing, poor wages, and widespread hunger among the working class created hostility toward the government. In protest of their abysmal living conditions, tens of thousands of protestors marched peacefully upon the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg on January 22, 1905. Without any provocation from the crowd, the czars soldiers opened fire on the protestors, killing and wounding hundreds. The event came to be known as Bloody Sunday, and further stirred up anti-czarist sentiment among the Russian people. Although the czar was not at the palace at the time of the incident, his people held him responsible. The massacre enraged the Russian people, leading to strikes and protests throughout the country, and culminating in the 1905 Russian Revolution. No longer able to ignore his peoples discontent, Nicholas II was forced to act. On October 30, 1905, he signed the October Manifesto, which created a constitutional monarchy as well as an elected legislature, known as the Duma. Yet the czar maintained control by limiting the powers of the Duma and maintaining veto power. Birth of Alexei During that time of great turmoil, the royal couple welcomed the birth of a male heir, Alexei Nikolaevich, on August 12, 1904. Apparently healthy at birth, young Alexei was soon found to be suffering from hemophilia, an inherited condition that causes severe, sometimes fatal hemorrhaging. The royal couple chose to keep their sons diagnosis a secret, fearing it would create uncertainty about the future of the monarchy. Distraught about her sons illness, Empress Alexandra doted upon him and isolated herself and her son from the public. She desperately searched for a cure or any kind of treatment that would keep her son out of danger. In 1905, Alexandra found an unlikely source of help- the crude, unkempt, self-proclaimed healer, Grigori Rasputin. Rasputin became a trusted confidante of the empress because he could do what no one else had been capable of- he kept young Alexei calm during his bleeding episodes, thereby reducing their severity. Unaware of Alexeis medical condition, the Russian people were suspicious of the relationship between the empress and Rasputin. Beyond his role of providing comfort to Alexei, Rasputin had also become an adviser to Alexandra and even influenced her opinions on affairs of state. WWI and the Murder of Rasputin Following the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in June 1914, Russia became embroiled in the First World War, as Austria declared war on Serbia. Stepping in to support Serbia, a fellow Slavic nation, Nicholas mobilized the Russian army in August 1914. The Germans soon joined the conflict, in support of Austria-Hungary. Although he had initially received the support of the Russian people in waging a war, Nicholas found that support dwindling as the war dragged on. The poorly-managed and ill-equipped Russian Army- led by Nicholas himself- suffered considerable casualties. Nearly two million were killed over the duration of the war. Adding to the discontent, Nicholas had left his wife in charge of affairs while he was away at war. Yet because Alexandra was German-born, many Russians distrusted her; they also remained suspicious about her alliance with Rasputin. General loathing and mistrust of Rasputin culminated in a plot by several members of the aristocracy to murder him. They did so, with great difficulty, in December 1916. Rasputin was poisoned, shot, then bound and thrown into the river. Russian Revolution and the Czars Abdication All across Russia, the situation grew increasingly desperate for the working class, which struggled with low wages and rising inflation. As they had done before, the people took to the streets in protest of the governments failure to provide for its citizens. On February 23, 1917, a group of nearly 90,000 women marched through the streets of Petrograd (formerly St. Petersburg) to protest their plight. These women, many of whose husbands had left to fight in the war, struggled to make enough money to feed their families. The following day, several thousand more protesters joined them. People walked away from their jobs, bringing the city to a standstill. The czars army did little to stop them; in fact, some soldiers even joined the protest. Other soldiers, loyal to the czar, did fire into the crowd, but they were clearly outnumbered. The protestors soon gained control of the city during the February/March 1917 Russian Revolution. With the capital city in the hands of revolutionaries, Nicholas finally had to concede that his reign was over. He signed his abdication statement on March 15, 1917, bringing an end to the 304-year-old Romanov Dynasty. The royal family was allowed to stay on at the Tsarskoye Selo palace while officials decided their fate. They learned to subsist on soldiers rations and to make do with fewer servants. The four girls had all recently had their heads shaved during a bout of measles; oddly, their baldness gave them the appearance of prisoners. Royal Family Exiled to Siberia For a brief time, the Romanovs had hoped they would be granted asylum in England, where the czars cousin, King George V, was reigning monarch. But the plan- unpopular with British politicians who deemed Nicholas a tyrant- was quickly abandoned. By the summer of 1917, the situation in St. Petersburg had become increasingly unstable, with Bolsheviks threatening to overrun the provisional government. The czar and his family were quietly moved to western Siberia for their own protection, first to Tobolsk, then finally to Ekaterinburg. The home where they spent their final days was a far cry from the extravagant palaces they had been accustomed to, but they were grateful to be together. In October 1917, the Bolsheviks, under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin, finally gained control of the government following the second Russian Revolution. Thus the royal family also came under the control of the Bolsheviks, with fifty men assigned to guard the house and its occupants. The Romanovs adapted as best they could to their new living quarters, as they awaited what they prayed would be their liberation. Nicholas faithfully made entries in his diary, the empress worked on her embroidery, and the children read books and put on plays for their parents. The four girls learned from the family cook how to bake bread. During June 1918, their captors repeatedly told the royal family that they would soon be moved to Moscow and should be prepared to leave at any time. Each time, however, the trip was delayed and rescheduled for a few days later. Brutal Murders of the Romanovs While the royal family waited for a rescue that would never take place, civil war raged throughout Russia between the Communists and the White Army, which opposed Communism. As the White Army gained ground and headed for Ekaterinburg, the Bolsheviks decided they must act swiftly. The Romanovs must not be rescued. At 2:00 a.m. in the morning on July 17, 1918, Nicholas, his wife, and their five children, along with four servants, were awakened and told to prepare for departure. The group, led by Nicholas, who carried his son, was escorted to a small room downstairs. Eleven men (later reported to have been drunk) came into the room and began firing shots. The czar and his wife were first to die. None of the children died outright, probably because all wore hidden jewels sewn inside their clothing, which deflected the bullets. The soldiers finished the job with bayonets and more gunfire. The grisly massacre had taken 20 minutes. At the time of death, the czar was 50 years old and the empress 46. Daughter Olga was 22 years old, Tatiana was 21, Maria was 19, Anastasia was 17, and Alexei was 13 years old. The bodies were removed, and taken to the site of an old mine, where the executioners did their best to hide the identities of the corpses. They chopped them up with axes, and doused them with acid and gasoline, setting them afire. The remains were buried at two separate sites. An investigation soon after the murders failed to turn up the bodies of the Romanovs and their servants. (For many years afterward, it was rumored that Anastasia, the czars youngest daughter, had survived the execution and was living somewhere in Europe. Several women over the years claimed to be Anastasia, most notably Anna Anderson, a German woman with a history of mental illness. Anderson died in 1984; DNA testing later proved she was not related to the Romanovs.) Final Resting Place of the Romanovs Another 73 years would pass before the bodies were found. In 1991, the remains of nine people were excavated at Ekaterinburg. DNA testing confirmed they were the bodies of the czar and his wife, three of their daughters, and four servants. A second grave, containing the remains of Alexei and one of his sisters (either Maria or Anastasia), was discovered in 2007. Sentiment toward the royal family- once demonized in Communist society- had changed in post-Soviet Russia. The Romanovs, canonized as saints by the Russian Orthodox church, were remembered at a religious ceremony on July 17, 1998 (eighty years to the date of their murders), and reburied in the imperial family vault at the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Nearly 50 descendants of the Romanov dynasty attended the service, as did Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Benjamin Harrison Biography - 23rd President of the U.S. Biography

Benjamin Harrison Biography - 23rd President of the U.S. Biography Benjamin Harrison was born on August 20, 1833 in North Bend, Ohio. He grew up on a 600-acre farm given to his father by his grandfather, William Henry Harrison who would become the ninth president. Harrison had tutors at home and then attended a small local school. He attended Farmers College and then Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He graduated in 1852, studied law, and then was admitted to the bar in 1854. Family Ties Harrisons father,  John Scott Harrison, was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. He was the son of one president and the father of another. Harrisons mother was  Elizabeth Irwin Harrison. She died when her son was almost 17. He also had two  half sisters, three full brothers, and two full sisters. Harrison was married twice. He married his first wife Caroline Lavinia Scott  on  October 20, 1853. Together they had one son and one daughter along with a stillborn daughter. Sadly, she passed away in  1892. He then married Mary Scott Lord Dimmick on  April 6, 1896  when he was 62 and she was 37. Together they had one daughter named Elizabeth.   Benjamin Harrisons Career Before the Presidency Benjamin Harrison entered into law practice and became active in the Republican party. He joined the military in 1862 to fight in the Civil War. During his service he marched on Atlanta with General Sherman and was promoted to Brigadier General. He left military service at the end of the war and resumed his law practice. In 1881, Harrison was elected to the U.S. Senate and served until 1887. Becoming the President In 1888, Benjamin Harrison received the Republican nomination for president. His running mate was Levi Morton. His opponent was incumbent President Grover Cleveland. It was a close campaign in which Cleveland won the popular vote but failed to carry his home state of New York and lost in the Electoral College. Events and Accomplishments of Benjamin Harrisons Presidency Benjamin Harrison  had the distinction of serving in between the two presidential terms of Grover Cleveland. In 1890, he signed into law the Dependent and Disability Pensions Act which provided money for veterans and their dependents if they were disabled from nonmilitary causes. An important bill passed during 1890 was the  Sherman Anti-Trust Act. This was the first antitrust law to try and stop the abuse of monopolies and trusts. While the law itself was vague, it was important as a first step towards making sure that trade was not limited by the existence of monopolies. The Sherman Silver Purchase Act was passed in 1890. This required the federal government to purchase silver for silver certificates. These could then be turned back in for silver or gold. This would be repealed by Grover Cleveland because it was causing the nations gold reserves to be depleted as people turned in their silver certificates for gold. In 1890, Benjamin Harrison sponsored a tariff that required those wishing to import products to pay a 48% tax. This resulted in a rise of consumer prices. This was not a popular tariff. Post-Presidential Period Benjamin Harrison retired to Indianapolis after his term as president. He returned to practicing law and inn 1896, he remarried Mary Scott Lord Dimmick. She had been the assistant to his wife while she was the First Lady. Benjamin Harrison died on March 13, 1901 of pneumonia. Historical Significance of Benjamin Harrison Benjamin Harrison was president when the reforms were beginning to become popular. During his time in office, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act was passed. Even though it was of itself not that enforceable, it was an important first step towards reigning in monopolies who were taking advantage of the public.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Implications Of Business Ethics For Quality Management Essay

Implications Of Business Ethics For Quality Management - Essay Example Most managers are aware of the need to re-evaluate their priorities and approaches to conducting business (Heller, 2006) so that most adopt ways to improve "corporate image" and business standards with the understanding of the origins of ethical thought with reference to codes of ethics (McNamee, 1992). 2. Evaluating the self for improvement and development could mean combining personal care with control of processes to achieve the highest level of quality in business and management (Fisscher and Nijhof, 2005). In this process, the manager must define his own and the organization's strengths, detail weaknesses, ready to seize opportunities and acknowledge threat with preparation. Once again, Heller (2006) emphasized agility in this aspect. Personally, I may include personal and academic achievements and personal attitudes such as boldness, hardworking, honesty and integrity as my strength. These attributes cannot be easily taken away from me and is a part of me that goes where I am. Therefore, knowledge and skills gained, all the things I have undergone while learning, my experiences and the values I have cultivated and maintained are my own treasures that I can use in present and future endeavors. Weaknesses include impatience due to age as most youths like me crave for a fast, active lifestyle and working environment. Results are wanted immediately, which could be futile at times, but can cause anxiety even in a short time basis. Another weakness could be a lack of work environment political knowledge. As most organizations have a socio-political atmosphere, my lack of exposure may cause work-related stress and conflicts with inter-personal relations. Opportunities include career expansion and endless possibilities, self-improvement, career specialization, access to more and specialized data and information.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 14

Letter - Essay Example They therefore helped me, in as much as my revision paper did, to brainstorm and develop a better understanding on how to purse my topic. When writing about a topic of interest, the use of emotion and audience awareness are important, whether you support or oppose the topic. Marijuana, for instance, is a common issue in the United States as Americans use it daily, and its rate of consumption has been rapidly increasing over the past decade. The use of emotion helps a writer to express feelings and attitude towards the topic, and give the reader a good idea of the writer’s opinion. Audience awareness is also important because it identifies potential avenues for effectively reaching the target group and establishes ground for appropriate application of communication skills for capturing the audience. I have developed a variety of strengths, despite a number of weaknesses, as an academic writer. My developed strengths include adherence to ethics of writing and application of correct grammar. I am also good in brainstorming, and effectively revising my work. Developing discussion topics, however, is my weakness as it takes me a while to bring in my thoughts to write a paper. This is because I find it difficult to consolidate my thoughts into a solid topic. I have however learnt a lot this semester and staying on one topic motivated me to work hard in order to complete my

Organization Theory and Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organization Theory and Design - Essay Example Things have never moved so fast and threats and opportunities have never been so immense. Competitors have to be efficient and different to survive and stay on the top. Daft continues and presents the most recent developments in organizations' design - structures and management methods that have only emerged lately in response to the turbulences in the environments and competition worldwide. The rise of an emerging managerial philosophy of efficiency, system, and process is, according to Daft, reflected in the forms of internal communication that serve as mechanisms for managerial coordination and control. These have developed as a product not only of changing organizational needs but also of the technologies available to support them. Forms of organizational communication can thus be organized into specific and recognizable 'genres' such as letters, memorandums, meetings, agendas, proposals etc. These technologies as used by principals and senior managers within colleges not only to account for, but also to promote and disseminate, specific leadership visions and objectives. The overflow of more general managerial philosophies into the realm of globalizations in recent years has included the need to demonstrate competence, compliance and effectiveness to a variety of audiences. Going with Daft's idea1, the purpose of my study would suggest that this need for visible competence is now a dominant theme, driven by external inspection, funding and governance mechanisms as well as the service culture expectations of users and other stakeholders. Such 'audit cultures' (Strathern, 2000) are increasingly common in both public institutions and private enterprise, reflecting the need to perform a new kind of accountability based around the twin goals of economic efficiency and good practice. The concept of the audit, previously constrained within financial applications, has now expanded to become a ubiquitous element of daily life, with the learning and skills sector being no exception. The result is a raft of 'technologies of accountability'. The pan-national corporation, with its inherently complex structure, is the organizational form most severely affected by globalization. It is therefore important for the management of such corporations to improve the control and coordination of the corporations' spatially dispersed subsidiaries. Information technology (IT) has been hailed as an important tool in changing traditional control and coordination processes in complex environments. IT is being used for changing the nature of the relationship between headquarters and subsidiaries in a manner that makes the pan-national corporation more global in orientation. This is occurring as operations and decision-making processes in subsidiaries are redesigned in order to improve global management and local responsiveness Technology serves to shape the manner in which leadership work is

Music and dance an aspect of Caribbean culture Essay

Music and dance an aspect of Caribbean culture - Essay Example It is acknowledged that the creolization of the Caribbean culture may well be the key to understanding the numerous and interrelated forms of music and dance expression. In Caribbean music and dance, one can find an ever-changing mixture of percussion and vocal styles traceable to West Africa; as well as melodic and harmonic forms derived from European culture. Caribbean musicians have blended and simmered these musical influences, transforming the various ingredients into something new and unique. And of course, there is continual cross–fertilization among the islands, as variations are made to keep the music fresh, making for the Caribbean’s vital input into the international music scene. One by one rumba, beguine, calypso and reggae have taken not only the United States but the entire world by storm. Part of the power and allure of the Caribbean music is its constant rediscovery of the island’s African heritage. The steel drum of Trinidad evokes the drum choirs of West Africa, salsa and even reggae are drawn from the call-and-response style of West Africa. The music and dance culture of Caribbean lands have changed with the growth of national pride and numerous American influence. In recent years, Jamaican reggae has exerted the greatest influence on the international market of any Caribbean music. The music of the Caribbean is dance music, meant to provide a few moments of freedom from the routines of daily existence. According to, â€Å"the dances of the Caribbean nations mostly are comprised of social dances..†

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The effect of various types of electoral balloting on election results Research Paper - 1

The effect of various types of electoral balloting on election results - Research Paper Example Paper ballots for political elections first appeared in America in 1889 (Fund 7). Originally, voters would write the name of their candidate of choice on a piece of paper (Fund 9). In modern times, parties preprint ballot papers, and the voter selects their preferred candidate by ticking or crossing (Fund 9). Incidence of human error that may occur while utilizing such a ballot is high. However, the reason why this system is ineffective is the laws that govern the likely occurrence of these errors. The Supreme Court set standards that ensure objectivity and fairness in the vote counting process (Segal et al 309). However, these standards seem prejudiced because they allow the skilled vote counters the privilege to utilize arguments such as technicalities to disqualify a vote even in situations where the voter displays intent (Streb 74). The ruling party in most instances may use these standards to reduce the votes for the opposition. For instance, the party may ensure its voter offic ials train better than those of the opposition allowing them to detect â€Å"technicalities† with much more ease than the opposition’s officials (Fund 35). As such, the officials favor voter intent for their party while rejecting voter intent for other parties. Currently, less than 2% of American voters utilize this system (Streb 92). Hand counting ballot papers is a time consuming cumbersome process (Streb 91). This may lead to errors as the electoral officials become overwhelmed by the counting. This method also has a high level of fraud as it is easy to steal or misplace them (Streb 91). Mechanical lever machines first appeared in America in the 1892 elections. Their popularity over the years that followed reflects on the fraudulent nature of the paper ballot that people were trying to escape (Avaliktos 160). The citizenry trusted technology (hence the machine) over human